Welcome to my Blog.  My name is Ashleigh and this is my family.  I am probably one of the more computer i
lliterate people you will find with a blog, and for that I will appologize now.  My post here are with the newest
first.  I would assume most of you are my close friends and family, and there will most likely be a link
on my facebook page to bring you here. 
May God bless you all!!!



April 6, 2010

I knew this would happen....I always start with a bang, and then the new wares off and I don't keep up.  Things have been going great around here. Colton had his first t-ball game last night, and although we are keeping score this year, I still have no idea who won.    Our kids did great though, most all of them can bat very well, and we have a couple of returning players that show great potential.  We have a little boy that is great, he plays first base really well, and he got so excited last night that he ran to the base to get the other player out, but forgot he needed the ball to do so :).  A friend of mine has two adorable litte girls on the team we played last night, and her baby who just turned 4 hit the ball nearly to the fence and instead of running the bases, when she got to 2nd, she decided to help our outfielders out by running and getting the ball herself.  PRICELESS. T-ball is so much fun!! I love that it is about the kids and trying to teach them the game as best we can!!!
March 23, 2010
Here are my sweet girls this morning....After there hair has been "pixed" and they got their necklaces and "yip stick" on :).   I am not a "super" girly girl, but I sure do love fixing these little dolls up, and I am SOOO glad they enjoy it too!!!  Claire on the left wearing yellow and Caleigh on the right in pink.  Have a gerat day!!!!
Sweet Girls!!!!

No More Whiskers :)


March 23, 2010
This is my sweet Claire!  This is Thursday morning right before Nurse Sue removed her stiches a.k.a. whiskers.  Check out her new scar....I know she is a girl and scars aren't so cool for girls, but she is one tough little cookie (probably because of that loving big brother of hers).  We are still putting neosporin on it most days, in hopes that it stays healthy and doesn't leave a booger bear scar!!!

Please excuse the peanut butter and chocolate on her face!!! I have to get the pics when I can, after all, they are only 3!


Weekend Camping Trip Revised!


March 23, 2010
Well, we live in Texas that is for sure.  In one week, it is not uncommon to be able to experience all four seasons!  Since it did start sleeting and snowing Saturday evening, this is what the kids did for their campout.  My girls are troopers, they laid down on their pallets and were out like a light, and stayed that way all night.  Big Brother on the other hand woke up at 4:30 and decided he had had enough of the sleeping in the tent and went and got in his bed for the rest of the night. 
It was back to school yesterday and we had a full day.  School, Pacers (after school walking program), and T-Ball Practice....then Garden Club for me. 


March 19, 2010
I mentioned yesterday, that I couldn't wait for us to have a camper and be able to load up and go.  Well, when Jacob got home from work we told him about our drive through the park and how much all of us really thought it would be fun to go tent camping.  He exercised (something he does nearly everyday) took a shower and ate and said, lets go get us a tent.  So, we headed to New Boston to Wal Mart (theirs is SOOO much nicer than MP's) and found us a tent.  Since he is supposed to be off work Sunday, we decided we would just camp this weekend :).  So while we were there, we got a few groceries and campout friendly meal fixings and now we are hoping and praying that the weather forcast is WRONG!! It's been in the upper 60's and low 70's most of the week and now it is supposed to get cold and rainy again!  Something I am not looking forward to as it has rained more often than not in the last 6 months.  So, good Lord willing, it won't rain this weekend and we will take our little family out for their first tent camping trip!!

Out and About

March 18, 2010
This guy is out of school this week for Spring Break, and we have had more running around to do than normal.  The girls and I usually do that sort of thing while he is at school, and it has been a re-adjustment for us all I think for Colton to go with us.  Today, Claire got her "whiskers" out and we had our first Twin-Telepathic experience while she was getting them out.  Caleigh held her chin the whole time with the terrified horrific look on her face and kept saying "ow, ouch" .  I said, you don't have to watch, turn around so I can hold Claires hand...... Welll she didn't turn around, and she ended up getting sick.  So thankfully Sister was a trooper and Colton stayed with her while I ran Caleigh to the bathroom.  Afterwards we headed to Daingerfield to get the registration sticker for my Expedition and while we were there I decided we should go for a little joy ride to the State Park.  It was so peaceful and quiet, and if I didn't have the fever to go somewhere and do something before I definately do now.  I hope someday we can have a camper and spend lots of summer days and spring breaks somewhere enjoying the peace of nature that God created.  My kiddos are chilling now, and we are waiting for daddy to get home from work.  Maybe it won't be 6:30 tonight and we can go to the ball field and play some baseball or something :)

Ms. Maggie Lou!!!

March 17, 2010
This little dumpling is extra special to me.  You see, her mama is my first cousin.  And her daddy is my husbands brother.  So, Marci and I are Aunt Cousin ..... to our kids.  No we are not from Arkansas :).  Anyway.  I feel bad that I don't get to see Ms. Maggie very often, but between all of our going and doings and theirs too, there just isn't always enough time.  Marci is a school teacher and is out on Spring Break this week, and Colton is also out so, I invited her and Maggie over yesterday to play.  Much to my surprise, they were able to come almost immediately.  She spent a few hours over here, and I loved every second.  I hope that there are many more sparadic playdates to come, now that she is bigger and more able to hold her own around her very loving, and outgoing big cousins.  (picture coming soon).


March 17, 2010
Happy Saint Patricks Day!!
Last week, I finally decided that this loosing weight on my own was for the birds.  I have a LONG way to go to get where I want/need to be, but as of today I have made a 4 lb. headway!!!!  All I have done is drink herbalife tea, and watch what I eat (for the most part).  I have at least one large glass a day, sometimes two, and lots of water too, and I have been eating lots of veggies, meat, and milk products.  Definately not low fat, but very few carbs.  It is my own twist to the Atkins diet, and I must say, I am not disapointed in myself.  So, to help myself even more, my goal is to start walking at least 3 to 4 days a week.  Now that the weather is much nicer, I have no excuses!!!!

Claire has wiskers

Tuesday March 16, 2010
This is why :(.  Last Tuesday I had just walked downstairs and the kids were getting out of the tub and I heard that cry that you never want to hear....You know the one with a Loud shriek followed by no sound at all.  Claire aparently fell and hit her chin on the side of the tub.  She insist that is all that happend and I believe her since there was nothing else around that she could have cut her chin on.  So, my sweet baby girl now has 5 stiches in her chin that we call her "wiskers".

Right after Ms. Janet was finished.


So, now, my little comedian thinks this catfish from Bass Pro Shop looks a lot like her :)  She said, "LOOK, he has wiskers just like me!"  I love that my kids look for the silver lining in all situations.

Round 2.

To put it simply, I want to blog....I am just not good at it.  This is my second attempt to the blog world.  I have tried it before, only to delete EVERYTHING I have worked on because I just couldn't get it to work out. 

My family is my air! I could not live without them.
Jacob is our rock! He works hard for us and I don't think he knows or realizes how much that means to all of us, especially me.
Colton is our five year old ALL boy oldest baby.  He is my handful, he is soooo hard headed and comes by that naturaly, neither Jacob nor myself can deny that.  He is in Pre-K this year and is doing wonderful!!! I am so glad he is so smart and loves to learn.  I hope he continues to do well in school in the coming years. He has earned perfect attendance for the first four six weeks of the school year and even student of the week.  Meet Colton.
We also have three year old twin girls.  Caleigh and Claire.  You may or may not have a hard time telling them apart, I will try to always tell who is who.  It is so much fun to watch two people who are so mcuh alike, I have to admit, that it is difficult for me to find differences in them most days.

Caleigh is the older of the two. She is my "Princess".  They got a trunk full of dress up clothes for christmas this past year, and Caleigh Paige has made my day many days playing dress up with all her pretties.  She is also the "little mama" of our house.  If I tell someone to do something, and she doesn't think they do it fast enough she says,"Mama said......." and makes them do it.  Meet Caleigh.
Claire is my little comedian and the baby.  She is the cuddler of the girls and is almost always smiling and laughing.  She isn't the dress up queen like her sister, but loves helping Caleigh accessorize!!!  She is much more outgoing and deffinately our chatty girl.  Meet Claire.

    I'd love to hear from you.  Leave me a comment here, Thanks.